Which violin fits?


Which violin fits my child?

The 4/4 violin is the standard measure.
In addition, there are 3/4, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 violins. These are proportionally smaller in size and suitable for children of younger age.

The body lengths are:

  • violinengroessenViolin 4/4 approx. 35.5-36.0 cm
  • Violin 3/4 approx. 33.5 cm
  • Violin 1/2 approx. 30.5-31.5 cm
  • Violin 1/4 approx. 28 cm
  • Violin 1/8 approx. 25.5 cm
  • Violin 1/10 approx. 24.5 cm
  • Violin 1/16 approx. 23 cm
  • Violin 1/32 approx. 20.5 cm

Of course, there are also the matching bow and bag sizes.

Violin size: 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 3/4 4/4
Age in years: 3-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-10 ab 9
Arm length in mm: 310-350 350-430 430-445 445-500 500-560 560-600 ab 600
Body length in mm: 205 230 255 280 320 335 350-360
Total length in mm: 340 380 425 460 520 560 590-600

1-geigengroesserichtigThe easiest way to determine the size of the violin for your child:

Your child stands upright, his left arm extended forwards, palm up, measure the distance between the throat (larynx) and the area on the palm where the middle finger starts.

This measure corresponds to the total length of the violin suitable for your child.

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